The artist and his work
Quite a lote of artist, visual and others, deal in their oeuvre with life and death, resurrection and decay, germs and seeds becoming life, literally as well as figuratively. Among those who use the language of images I know no one who represents the essence of genesis and loss in such a spontaneous and penetrating way in collages and objects, in structures that suggest and in shrines that preserve, like Patrick De Bleeckere does.
Life from death and death from life, an orgasm in three-dimensional élan, the ashes of a deceased brother encapsulated in a transparent yet inaccessible cocoon, resurrection suggested by glass Pearls and growth from the dark achievements of history, seed and embryos in a formal language that shows and disturbs and that looks monumental as subdued, they are but a few elements in an abundance of formal interpretations that constitute the constant and authentic theme(s) of his expressive conscience.
Matter is the symbol of everything that refers to death and life. Coal grains represent what is solidified in the skin of earth and thus evocates history. A dead tree is still standing and in the hollows of its heart glass Pearls bob up: sperm. This signifies new life on the body of what seemed to be dead. in the barren skin of what is left of a tree a stream of life grows in a moving constrast: tangible and surprising, captivating and touching at the same time. Patrick De Bleeckere builds proud towers of life in which growth and vitality are depicted. He strews long stripes of glasss seeds on the ground. He builds monuments of gauze in which the matter of his fundamental message is stored, stacked, scattered in space. Boxes or windows of polyester contain material signs, they unravel a story about thee essence of human existence, they hold sealed seeds of plants and human beings or animals, secured yet inaccessible. His theme is a basic fact. He succeeds in representing formally as well as intrinsically in a convincing and direct way what we all intensely feel.
Hugo Brutin (a.i.c.a.)
Patrick De Bleeckere is een pur sang denker en kunstenaar, die door middel van zijn engagement zich afzet tegen alle onrecht en streeft naar de verbeterbaarheid van het geheel.
Zijn werk, doordrongen van tal van symbolen, belichaamt leven en dood, eeuwigheid en vergankelijkheid, vruchtbaarheid en steriliteit ...
Met zijn realisaties van glas in combinatie met technische of vegatieve voorwerpen, wil deze kunstenaar de toeschouwer bewust maken van de waardering voor het leven. De confrontatie wordt  aangedaan  met het universum dat scherpe raakpunten vertoont met tal van klassieke beginselen. De symbiose van mens en natuur binnen de levenscyclus; vruchtbaarheid, voorplanting, ontkiemen, vergaan ...
Patrick De Bleeckere est un penseur en art qui a travers son engagement se bat contre l'injustice et lutte pour ll'amélioration de notre condition.
Le symbolisme utilisé est une métaphore de la vie, la mort, l'éternité, temporalité, fertlité et stérilité ...
Ces objets sont réalisés en verre et combines avec objets vivants dans lebut que les specteteurs qui viennent contempler ses oeuvres ressentent de l'adamiration pour la vie. La confrontation avec l'univers annonce les prémices de la vie. La symbiose de l'être humain avec la nature démontre que le cycle perpétuel de production, fertilité, et périssabilité est immuable.